Here’s How 5G Will Transform Digital Marketing
The world for over 600 million smartphone users in India can potentially run at 500Mbps! Umm, what? And why is a digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad talking about it?
Well understand it this way, with an internet speed of 500 Megabytes transferring every next second you can stream a 4k movie on over 20 separate devices at once or can conduct over 300 Zoom calls together. That is just a glimpse of what the fifth generation of wireless networks can do. It is within this evolving potential of the 5G network that is transforming the digital marketing territory, like more immersive e-commerce experiences and improved consumer interaction for website development companies.
This has got the attention of all the top digital marketing agencies in the world. But what exactly is 5G and how is it remaking digital marketing services? Let’s break down this smorgasbord into digestible chunks, but one byte at a time.
The genius of 5G lies in the later element: the ‘G’ that stands for ‘Generation’. To unravel it one has to begin with 1980 when the world was introduced to 1G. With a speed of 2.4Kbps, the first generation of wireless networks then only allowed analog for voice calls.
Then in 1991 came in 2G with digital text message support at 50Kbps, this for a digital marketing solutions company would equate to 0.05 Mbps today, not enough to even upload a post! With the advent of 3G and 4G networks came video calls and HD streaming as the internet speed reached around 100 Mbps.
Now with the rise of the 5G networks consumers now get high speed, low buffering or delay, large data capacity, higher connection density and improved overall mobile experience.
As a top provider of digital marketing services and a website developer, Flora Fountain has listed out the potential ways 5G is changing digital marketing strategies and its approach to users.
5G knocks with enormous opportunities, especially for brands that are willing to leverage more anchored marketing strategies and provide an immersive consumer experience by curating newer mediums and custom-made messaging.
This can be seen in the following waves of changes:
With higher speed and a wide range of connectivity, it is no surprise that the number of internet users will increase greatly. This will also come as an inflow of a new and more dynamic audience base from remote locations.
As a result collecting data under the 5G network will improve massively. This hyper-localisation will give more insights into consumer patterns and behaviour, hence adding a cover of a new segmentation of the target audience.
All this will boil down to the hyper-personalisation of messages and other extensions of communication like media, user interactions, experience creation and an ever-evolving data bank that is always available at the fingertips of a digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad, Amsterdam or Alexandria.
Currently, 500mbps is more than the average network speed of all the nations across the globe, and with the introduction of 5G to daily life digital space will become more efficient with AR and VR as tools for digital marketing.
Even presently Instagram, Snapchat, Apple and many video games have experimented with AR and VR, but once 5G enters the arena with a much larger user base every digital marketing agency will jump for VR ads and special campaigns.
Apart from this, AR and virtual reality will prove to be a more immersive experience for the consumer as they can in real-time interact with virtually crafted elements and engage more efficiently.
For instance, giving a VR test drive to the consumer at the launch of a new car or website developers can now provide a near-life experience with the products on an e-commerce website. All this will impact the consumers’ purchasing decisions and their journey with the product.
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